| Freelance D.O.P & Aerial Filming Specialist

Below is Alec's C.V. scroll down for more productions.

How To Talk To Girls At Parties - Qtake See Saw DIR: John Cameron Mitchell. DOP: Frankie DeMarco
Stratton First Into Action - DIT Stratton Film ltd DIR: Simon West. DOP: Felix Wiedemann
Miss You Already (2nd Unit) - DIT MYA Prodcutions DIR: Catherine Hardwicke. DOP: Elliot Davis
High Rise (tests) - DIT Backwell Films DIR: Ben Wheatley. DOP: Laurie Rose
Everest - DIT UK Working Title DIR: Baltasr Kormàkur. DOP: Salvatore Totino
In The Heart Of The Sea - DIT Canary Islands Warner Bros DIR: Ron Howard. DOP: Anthony Dodd Mantle
Marcella - Series 1 - DIT Dailies Armageddon ltd DIR: Charles Martin. DOP: Ula Pontikos
Todd Margaret - Series 3 - DIT Merman DIR: John Hardwick. DOP: Simon Vickery
Last Panthers - UK 2nd Unit - DIT Warp Films DIR: Johan Renck. DOP: Laurent Tangy
My Jihad - DIT BBC DIR: Al MacKay. DOP: Dan Stafford Clark
Safe House (2nd Unit) - DIT Eleventh Hour Films DIR: Chris Forster. DOP: Mark Milsome
The Interceptor (Main Unit) - DIT BBC DIRs: Farren Blackburn, Cilla Ware, Julian Holmes, Richard Senior. DOPs: Sam McCurdy, Damian Bromley, Shane Daly, Nick Dance
Babylon - DIT (Dailies) Nightjack DIR: Jon S. Baird. DOP: Balazs Bolygo
Glue - DIT (Dailies) Eleven Film DIR: Olly Blackburn. DOP: Ula Pontikos
Cockroaches - DIT (Dailies) Big Talk Productions DIR: Ben Taylor. DOP: Oli Russell
The Royals - Video Playback (Pilot) Lionsgate DIR: Mark Schwahn. DOP: Nick Dance
Chinese New Year 2016 Zap Productions DIR: Chenhui Cai. DOP: Liwei Jian
Skype - Group Video Call Th2ng DIR: Yannakis Jones. DOP: Dan Stafoord Clark
Vodaphone Spain Zap Productions DIR: Agus Berruezo. DOP: Angel Inguacel
Vodaphone Qatar - My First Skydive One Two Four DIR: Chris Riley. DOP: Phil Barthropp
Babasonicos - Run Run - DIT MJZ DIR: Juan Cabral. DOP: Paul Mackay
The Struts - Put Your Money On Me -  DIT Two Wheel Trike DIR: Rhys Frampton. DOP: Anthony Dias
Wilderbeest Migration Masai Mara 3D Sky 3D Electric Sky
David Attenborough Kew Gardens 3D Sky 3D Atlantic Productions
Jungle Atlantis Cambodia BBC In House BBC. 2x 1hrs
Top Gear BBC James Bond Special
Top Gear Korea Korean TV Various
Harvest BBC In House BBC
Country File 2014 BBC Various Stories
Social History Of WWI BBC presented by Jeremy Paxman
Genius Of Invention BBC presented by Cassie Newland
Royal Marines Selection   Indus
Wheeler Dealer Discovery presented by Mike Brewer
Millionaire Princesses Smithsonian Fine Stripe
The Ships The Clyde Built BBC series producer Graeme Thompson
The Gun BBC presented by Neil Oliver
The Saxons BBC presented by Neil Oliver
Racing Legends - Colin Mcrae BBC presented by Sir Chris Hoy
Speed Dreams - Bonneville USA BBC narrated by Bill Nighy
The Making Of Europe Discovery Pioneer Prodcutions
The Year Britain Flooded Ch 4 Pioneer Prodcutions
Dispatches - Landlords From Hell CH 4 Hardcash Prodcutions
History Of Wales BBC Green Bay Media
Natural Histroy Museum BBC BBC History Department
Jaguar Land Rover N/A In House
P & O Ferries N/A Bittersweet Productions
Grey Goose Vodka N/A The Armoury
The Flag Qatar TV Oxford Film & TV
Construction Of Bourneville College N/A Maverick Uk